Tuesday, October 2, 2012

One Day/Reckoning Song (Wankelmut Remix)

This is a two part video, about a lovers triangle, or lovers parting. It's about two guys and a woman, or two bi guys going out and the woman who loves them both. In the second part two women who love each other might be parting as well. At the end, a woman, on a motorcycle, alone, rides through the streets of a city, perhaps remembering when all of this happened. The story is very impressionistic, so the plot isn't liner, leaving the viewers to make up their own minds about the story. 

The music is folk/electronica, with a vocal that builds in intensity. The song is about growing old and all the stroies that we tell when we're old. The lyrics of this very good song illustrate the polt perfectly. It would be great in a club, or inspiring someone to make up or remember stries of their own. 

Part one:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKeawh6-5ps&feature=share&list=UUJbHWU5QmrvI_CnyFHP90EQ

Part two:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_jzuxM3O8M&feature=share&list=UUJbHWU5QmrvI_CnyFHP90EQ

Andrea Weiss

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