Friday, July 22, 2022

 Maple Mars

Someone’s Got To Listen

Big Stir

To put grunge into a power power pop context is cool, and still doesn’t describe how cool this album. It has grunge sonics, but is smooth as fine grit, heavy without the metal. It's appealing all the way around.

Some of these songs are about love, some about life, while a lot lighter in tone than grunge lyrics, but just as complex. A lot of the songs on this album remind me of my favorite Nirvana song, “On A Plain,” and the others just remind me of Nevermind in general.

So focus on that album for Maple Mars' overall sound and you have an album as great in its own way as Nevermind. And everyone knows what a game changer that album was, so let’s try to make Maple Mars a game changer too. They deserve it, as their album is just that good.

Andrea Weiss

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