Friday, December 1, 2023


Thank You, Valued Customer

Big Stir Records

The new album from the duo of Peter Marston and John Krause, is good, gentle, psychedelic, quirky good humor, set to some very rocking pop/rock.

The humor never curdles into whimsy. There is nothing dark, disturbing, odd, or weird on this album. Rather, it's the kind of humor that makes one smile wryly and dryly, and maybe play a bit of air guitar, like on “Look Me Over,” which is about being drunk.

The “ooh shalla la la” at the beginning of “Buddha (What Was That?),” “Das Diddly” sung in German, “She, The Fair Bag Girl” sung with an English accent, about love in the supermarket, "A Son Son” sung in French, and “Baby Hobo” are great examples of wonderfully funny, quirky humor. The more serious songs, like “Understood,” are  gentle ones that will make you think.

So if you like quirky songs for adults, offbeat humor that never gets silly, psychedelic goodness, and songs to play air guitar to, this is it. You, the valued customer, deserves this album.

Andrea Weiss

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